The Fire Knight is an Australian based company expanding around the globe. The inspiration for the concept of The Fire Knight emerged during the devastating Australian ‘Black Summer’ of bushfires in 2019-20, which had a profound impact on nearly 80% of Australians, whether directly or indirectly. Tragically, 33 lives and an estimated one billion animals were lost. An astonishing expanse of over 10 million hectares of land, predominantly forests, also succumbed to the devastation.

The Commonwealth Government of Australia estimated that the Black Friday bushfires cost the Australian economy approximately A$4.6 billion.

The CEO and founder was deeply moved by the significant events of the Australian summer. This led him to initiate a transformative endeavour aimed at making a positive impact. Seeking expertise from global professionals, he established a dedicated research and development team at The Fire Knight. Their objective was to create an advanced system capable of extinguishing fires before they escalate into widespread devastation.

From this collective of intelligent minds, The Fire Knight was created and now offers highly advanced fire protection and response systems that can simultaneously detect, alert, and suppress fires.

We take pride in offering our products to customers worldwide, ensuring that they are compatible with the diverse requirements of the global market. By designing our products with a global perspective in mind, we strive to meet the needs and standards of customers from different regions and cultures.

We understand the importance of adapting to various regulations, certifications, and technical specifications that differ from country to country. Through extensive research and development, we have crafted our products to be adaptable and compliant, making them suitable for use across borders. This commitment to global compatibility ensures that our customers can confidently use our products regardless of their location, knowing that they meet the necessary requirements and standards.


The Fire Knight Collection is the apex of fire protection innovation; designed to safeguard both residential and industrial spaces. This comprehensive fire detection and suppression system provides your house or business with an unprecedented level of security. The Fire Knight believes that early detection of a fire is critical, and as such, the systems within the collection embody this by recognising a fire hazard through flame detection in conjunction with rate of rise, VOC and gas detectors rather than merely sensing heat and smoke alone. When the sensors are triggered, the system alerts the command centre, activates the release of fire-suppression agents, and sounds the alarm simultaneously. With seamless connectivity to the command centre, local emergency services and owners are promptly notified, ensuring swift intervention.

Trust in The Fire Knight Collection for unrivalled fire safety technology, empowering you with peace of mind in the face of potential fire hazards.


Disclaimer: The images of products displayed on this website are for illustrative purposes only. Actual products and their functionality may vary from the images shown. Read full disclaimer in Quick Links.